The Crone Project
I am on a mission to redefine the word “crone.”
What is a “crone?” The dictionaries define a “crone” as an unpleasant or ugly, old woman. Who would want to identify with that definition? I turned 65 last month, so I definitely identify as “old” though hopefully not terribly unpleasant.
In our society, old women are invisible and disposable. Although we are urged to keep chasing after that elusive fountain of youth with products, potions, and starvation diets, we are dismissed as useless because we no longer reproduce to keep the species alive. What value can we provide? There are valid answers to be found in other cultures and even in parts of the animal kingdom where old females are revered for their wisdom; not so much in American culture.
The Triple Goddess of ancient mythologies includes the Crone as one of the goddess archetypes along with the Maiden and the Mother. The Crone is the oldest of the three, and she commands the alchemical power to transform the trials of life, grief and sorrow into the gold of wisdom.
While too many institutionalized religions silence and erase women from their sacred texts, the Bible reveals a strong feminine divine presence in the Wisdom Tradition. Hidden in plain sight in the biblical books of Proverbs and Wisdom, the wisdom of God is the female Hagia Sophia whose characteristics include gracious goodness, life-giving creativity, and a passion for justice. Present with God since the creation of the world, Sophia is a healer, a comforter, a messenger of truth, perception, and guidance.
I want to paint older women in all their dignified, glorious beauty, and record the stories of their strength, courage and wisdom. By collecting the portraits and stories of wise old women, I will make the invisible, visible. I want to tell the world that old crones do indeed have something to offer, things that this world desperately needs: the intuitive, nurturing, compassionate wisdom of women.
And that is something to celebrate!
Click below each image to read blog posts on my process of creating the portraits and exploring what it means to be a crone.
Pat Le Beau
My mother is the wisest women I know! Read about the process of creating her portrait and exploring what it means to be a crone below.
Vikki Marie
Reverend Dr. Victoria Marie is an artist, a Roman Catholic woman priest, the Pastor at Our Lady of Guadalupe Tonantzin Community Society and a Catholic Worker in Vancouver, Canada. Get all the details below.
Dagmar Celeste
More coming soon!