Engaging in creative expression is an act of resistance
against the forces that want to keep us
scared and despairing, paralyzed and silent.
Join the resistance! We are gathering in creative community to share our experiences of coping and thriving through creative expression.
CREATIVE RESISTANCE is a monthly virtual gathering to learn new simple techniques, create something out of nothing, and notice what is coming up while you create. After spending some time creating in community, we’ll close our sessions with optional witnessing of our creations.
The sessions will be held on Zoom on the following Saturdays from 10:00 - 12:30 Eastern:
March 22, April 26, May 15, June 14, July 12, and August 16.
Each session is $10, or you can grab all six sessions for $50.
Check out the dates, times, and techniques below and choose the ones that fit your schedule.
Each session is limited to 18 participants.
Note: The sessions will not be recorded in order to maintain a confidential and safe space.
Tips for Checking Out:
Step 1: Fill out the form below and hit the SUBMIT button.
Step 2: After you submit the form, you’ll be directed to my Shop Page to choose the sessions you want to attend.
Step 3: After you add your selections to your cart, find your cart in the top right corner on a personal computer or at the bottom of your phone screen. From there, you can proceed with your payment options.
Step 4: After you check out, I’ll send you a welcome email letting you know what to expect and a a general supplies list.