Ready to creative something special?
If you already have a creative practice, you may know how important it is to express your inner most feelings through your art. You know how soul-nourishing it can be to find your authentic voice. You also know how much fun it is to just play, taking time for you to splash color around without any expectations.
One of my big motivations here is to lower the barriers to beginning a creative practice and encourage you to just start! How? Download my beginner’s guide to drawing flowers step-by-step. Scroll down to sign up!
Explore my Gallery and follow me on Instagram to see what I’ve been creating.
Check out this blog post to read how I recently discovered how my creative journey is fueled by my divine connection.
If you don’t yet have a creative practice, right now is a good time to start!! Need some motivation?
My relationship with the divine is the fuel that energizes my creative expression. It is from that divine source inside of me that causes my artwork to bubble up. By using creative expression, woven together with ancient prayer practices, you can learn
to discern your inner wisdom that comes from God,
to process the insights you receive in prayer,
to express the deepest longings of your soul, and
to feel that you are cherished and belong to God.
And that makes for a joy-filled life!