Where are you headed on your spiritual journey?
Lending a hand climbing a rock
Where are you headed on your spiritual journey?
My spiritual journey is something that I spend a lot of time reading, thinking and praying about. Living a life that is grounded in a relationship with God is essential for me. I love to see the new ways God is showing up in people’s lives. I am guessing that this is on your radar, too.
What part of this journey is most important to you?
I believe that God is calling me to help you find your way to a richer relationship with God, whatever that looks like for you. Instead of randomly choosing issues to address, I thought I would ask you!
What nourishes you?
What frustrates you?
What fills your soul?
My list is pretty long for both of those questions but I want to know how you feel so I can serve you better. I crafted five questions designed to find out what issues are on your mind when you think about God.Here is the link to the survey. It should take about two minutes to fill out: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/78ZVNVB
Do you have more you want to tell me? I am all ears!
Schedule a one-on-one conference call with me. I would love to hear your “God story.” What story are you telling yourself about God? About church? What are your deepest struggles in your spiritual life? Here is the link to schedule a call: https://calendly.com/maryc12388/30min
Your answers matter because you matter. Let me know what you want to see more of in this short survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/78ZVNVB
I can't wait to hear from you!