
Join me in my explorations and musings of how spirituality can be creative fuel for visual art as well as allowing you to live a more authentic life!

Celtic Spirituality, Lenten Journey Mary Coffey Celtic Spirituality, Lenten Journey Mary Coffey

Finding "the place of your resurrection"

Unpack the Celtic phrase “Let your feet follow your heart to the place of your resurrection.” What does all that mean? How can you follow your heart? How can you listen to the voice of your soul? What is specials about the place of your resurrection? And how can you practice resurrection long after Easter Sunday has come and gone.

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Mary Coffey Mary Coffey

Reimagining Holy Week

After rejecting atonement substitutionary theory to explain the death of Jesus, do you need to reimagine Holy Week? Perhaps a better way is to see Jesus as an example of transformation and explore what it is we need to allow to die so that we can resurrect as our truest loving self.

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