Returning to the work
Can I brag for a minute? I have a lot of confidence in my ability to draw faces. And I can usually get a pretty close likeness. I credit lots of practice, having completed a 100-day challenge on drawing face. But when I have to translate from a pencil to a paintbrush, sometimes I wobble.
The fix? Do more painting! Perhaps I need to start a 100-day challenge to paint a face every day for 100 days. Is there something you want to get better at? Want to join me? Let’s start on February 1st! Let me know what your project will be. Anything goes. No rules, but fair warning: 100 is a lot of days!
Perhaps you’ve heard the story about the pottery class? The teacher started the semester by dividing the class in two, and explained that she would grade one half of the class on only pot. The other half of the class would be graded only on the weight of all the pots made during the semester, the higher the weight, the higher the grade. Can you guess which students made the better pots by the end of the semester? The ones that made a whole bunch of pots. This group was free to make mistakes and make ugly pots and try again and again. That freedom allowed them to take risks and grow as artists, while the other group probably overworked and overthought their one pot.
I still overwork paintings, but I am so much better at letting them be “finished enough” and moving on to the next painting. Another good hack is to have multiple paintings going at the same time so that when you get stuck on one, you can let it rest and turn your attention to another painting. Then you can return with fresh eyes, and that always helps.
Here is my update of my process with Vikki. I drew a wonderful picture of her, but when I began the painting, it was less than wonderful, and I lost the likeness.
I added collage bits where her shadows should be. But I didn’t love it. So I walked away for a month. Here are the progress pictures to this point of the journey.
I was busy with the Christmas festivities and medical procedures, so my absence was justified. But it was hard to return!
After lots of tonal adjustments, and close study of the reference picture, the painting arrived at a place I am pleased with. I gave Vikki a gold headwrap with gold gemstones at the center as her crown. I think she looks very stately. And Vikki says it’s great! Phew!
Vikki, final enough!
I’m going to take my own advice and start the next three portraits: Damar, Judy and Pat so I can move from one to the other if (I mean, when) I get stuck.
And let me know if you want to join me in a 100-day challenge starting February 1st! I could use the company!