Resolutions or Rest?
What do you need right now?
Is your inbox filling up with emails encouraging you to commit to the perfect “new you” in this “new year?”
This is not that.
This is an invitation to ask yourself what you need right now. Do you need the structures of carefully thought-out plans to energize you? Or do you crave more rest and a gentle easing into the New Year? Or a little bit of both?
Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash
What I do like about New Year’s expectations:
I do like all the possibilities wrapped up in any kind of new beginning, and the New Year is among the biggest of new beginnings. This year, a new moon accompanies the New Year’s arrival, and that is unusual! New moon energy aligns perfectly with the New Year: each new moon is a fresh start filled with unlimited possibilities. It is a good time to reflect on the past month, and choose what to bring forward into the new month. Even more so with a New Year!
Technically, the moment of the new moon was yesterday, December 30, 2024, at 5:26 p.m. EST (22:26 UTC). A new moon phase lasts for around three nights so its impact will still be felt on New Year’s Day. Every 29.5 days, we experience new moon energy when the moon unites with the sun and travels across the sky together. We can’t see it because the sun is shining on the side of the moon facing away from us, but it is a good time to begin again.
How do you feel about the arrival of the New Year?
Do you have any favorite traditions? To me, a new year feels like a clean slate. I used to try to get all my ironing done before the end of the year so that I had a fresh start on that chore. Now, I no longer buy clothes that require ironing. Problem solved!
I like the idea of approaching a new year with a beginner’s mind, free from any negative emotional charges that might cling to years gone by. A beginner’s mind also nudges us to let go of the past, drop all expectations, and be fully present, not taking anything for granted.
To paraphrase Maya Angelou, “This is a wonderful year, I have never seen this one before!” That view captures the excitement of newness and wonder at what lies before us.
In the Northern Hemisphere, the New Year is tucked into the coldest, darkest season. It’s only been a few days since the Winter Solstice that marked the beginning of the long Winter’s nap for the natural world. This naturally becomes an auspicious time to turn inward and have a think about how you really want to spend your life’s energy.
Last year, I wrote about a threefold framework to meet the New Year:
What do you want to start doing?
What do you want to do more of?
What do you want to stop doing?
This year, I’ve modified that framework just a bit by considering what I want more of and what I want less of in my live:
More movement -- Less sitting still
More creating -- Less comparing
More eye contact -- Less phone contact
What I don’t like about New Year expectations:
I have two problems with making New Year’s resolutions: (1) the pressure to commit to unrealistic goals sets me up to fail. every. single. time! and (2) the focus on creating a “new me” requires me to believe the cultural expectations that there is something wrong with me. Less of that please, and more loving myself for who and where I am.
How about you? What do you want more of in your life? What do you want less of? What can you do to make those things happen? Leave me a comment and let me know if you want me to cheer you on!
Maybe right now, you don’t have the energy to begin again. Did you know that you can wait for the next bus to come along? You can begin again on the next holiday or festival or maybe on your next birthday. Or on any new moon. Or on any new month.
You can start again on any new day!
Here’s to more self compassion and less inner criticism.