“Be Love”
hand holding wildflower bouquet
I am reading a book called The Shadow Effect, Illuminating the Hidden Power of Your True Self, and I found something that I want to share with you. Deepak Chopra, one of the authors, wrote about his response to a woman who was looking for love. She asked how she can find “the right one.” He said:
Stop looking for the right one. Be the right one.
This quote resonated with me because I struggle with how I should “be” in difficult situations, and how to respond to horribly sad news in the world.What should I do? How do I want to show up in response to the crisis at the border or the making of ridiculous tweets? Or even in response to some crazy drama among a group of friends?My immediate reaction is to find someone to blame. Or to justify my actions or reactions. Or to respond from a place of judgment and meanness, which I believe is a defensive, protective maneuver.But I know that response does not come from my true self. My best response is to be love. To respond with love. While this is not usually my first response, when I drop down into my deepest self and tap into the divine spark that is within me, I know that I am called to offer love. Regardless of the situation. And to honor where people are and allow them to decide how they want to live their lives. Especially challenging if you have children! Ok, but how can we “be love?”
Look within – and find that spark of the divine deep in your soul. Sit quietly, breath deeply, and drop down into your soul.
Ask yourself, your deepest self, how you should show up in this circumstance. How you should respond. When I asked that deep inner light how I should respond to some friend drama, the words “be love” popped into my head before I even finished asking the question.
Let go of the fear. Check in to see if you are afraid of what others might think or say about you or your actions? Then, allow the fear to dissipate, knowing that you are standing in your truest self. When you come from that place of true wisdom, you will realize that what people say about you is more a reflection of them than it is of you.
See yourself as lovable. Can you do this? According to Chopra, “Love is reassurance that you are cherished.” Do you feel cherished? God cherishes you beyond your ability to imagine it. We live in a world where human love is conditional, so wrapping your head around unconditional divine love is challenging. Of course, it helps if your image of God is loving and merciful. If you imagine a harsh, judgmental God, it is difficult to believe that you are cherished just as you are. Do you need to revise your image of God? I can help you with that. Reach out to me via email. Or click here for a lovely pdf called "Seeing Yourself Through God’s Eyes."
I believe we are called to be the hands and feet of Christ in this world. If we want to live in a more loving, kinder world, we need to be more loving and kind.
What is one loving and kind gesture that you can take today? It might not change the world, but small actions can have lasting effect for the recipient of your loving kindness.
“Be the change you want to see in the world.” -- Mahatma Gandhi
Be love.
PS: My next art journal meet up is Friday, August 9th at 9:30 at the Chagrin Falls Library. For those of you not in the Cleveland area, I am planning to do an art journal session on Facebook Live where we can create art together! I will let you know the details.
Another PS: Please share this message with someone you think needs to hear it.