Artful Spirituality

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How can we not talk about it?

We’ve been warned not to talk about certain topics in polite company. 

But The Wise Souls Circle isn’t polite company. This is truthful talk among trusted companions on the journey through the landmines of life. 

For the women who are drawn to The Wise Soul Circle, faith is important. Faith helps us define where we spend our time and energy. Faith informs our world view and our decision-making process. Faith helps us find our way through those landmines. 

We have to talk about it! 

In The Wise Souls Circle, we have created a space where it is safe to question everything. We’ve shared what is most truthful about where we have come from, and what we have left behind in terms of those religious beliefs that just stopped making sense. We’re searching for a more expansive understanding of who God is and how faith in God helps us navigate the world. 

But, practically speaking, what does that look like? How does that work? How can we live our faith in the midst of the chaos of the world? 

We cannot not talk about it. 

We need to bring our faith and all that we’ve experienced and witnessed - the injustices, poverty, wars, immigration, racism, sexism, and all the traumas happening in the world - together to a large listening table, and with respect and compassion and courage, listen to each other. We need to begin the journey of reconstruction, building a compassionate community and showing up as Christ for others with divine love.

  • How can we be incarnational? We are the ones who need to bring the love of Christ into the world because Christ has no body but ours.

  • How can we integrate our faith into everything we say and everything we do? What could that look like?

  • How can we initiate compassionate action today in a world driven by fear?

That is our challenge in this term of The Wise Souls Circle, and probably for the rest of our lives.

Are you ready to talk about it?

We’ll gather on Monday evenings from 7:00-8:45 pm eastern on the following dates:

  • September 9th

  • September 23rd

  • October 21st

  • November 4th

  • November 18th

  • December 16th

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